Here are some cool ideas for scrap booking project.
This is my favorite idea where using some dried or plastic flower you can design the front page of your scrap book or use this scrap booking techniques for card making. You can make use of leaf lets and rose or tulips to beautify the front page you are making. You can try small stones or pebbles and cartoon clips and other decorative material to make outlines or border and emphasize few parts of your scrap book.
Here is another cool scrapbook layout tip. Your scrap book can be turned into a dynamic artifact with the use of some clay work, then try sprinkling some sparkle over it and other decorative items as well but only if it can fit into your project.
You do not have to run to Scrapbook Supply Store for designed alphabets if you have adobe Photoshop software. Let us learn to design a letter with various designs.
Read this step by step article and learn how to make a text with design with the use of adobe Photoshop software that will help you in your digital scrap booking projects. Alphabets and numerical could be designed and printed as well as written text or names or special heading can be designed on the scrap book.
Open the software, move the cursor to click file on menu bar and select new to initiate a new document. Choose 300 x 300 or 250 x 400 pixel or the size that best suits your requirement at this stage.
Attention: All the above said steps can be found at website photoshoptrail dot com.
When the new document opens up and saved make a new Layer, type letter A using text tool and use the font - (Swis721 BlkOul BT) with 200pt and align it in the middle of the document.
Next select the layer used in the previous step and use the keyboard to press Crtl, simultaneously click on in use layer and select the letter A. Further select option gradient tool and pick a color option like say Dark Red = #276D25 and Red = #5C9159. Drag by using gradient tool diagonally from bottom right to top left and deselect it.
With these steps you shown the steps required to make the letter A in a varying red color.
Move the cursor to top menu bar, click on filters and then blur. This action shall make A font color a bit dull. Now we'll learn to make a shape of a design of your choice, the Pen Tool in the Photoshop toolbox will aid us in creating this. Now choose your color and fill it in with Gradient tool.
In the steps mentioned above you have learnt to create the a basic Alphabet with green design around the Letter 'A'. To learn more Photoshop techniques kindly refer site in below signature.