Buying Medical Insurance & Discount Insurance Programs

By: Andrew Hittle

Hi Everyone,

Is the high cost of health care getting you down? Are you one of 7 out of 10 Americans with no dental plan? That is actually over 100 million people. Did you know you could get medical, dental, vision, and more, all at significant savings? Let’s get a few things straight. Traditional health insurance is a rip off. There are many discount programs that offer incredible savings on dental, vision, prescription, physician, and more. The funny thing is, the vast majority of Americans don’t even have any coverage. Now, if you search discount plans, prices may vary from company to company, but one thing is still the same. Most only cover one category.

The good news is, there is a massive movement going on right now in consumer driven health care. By cutting out the middle man (your local insurance broker) families are finally getting the coverage they need and deserve. Don’t fall prey to outrageous insurance.

It’s funny. I walk into stores and restaurants and see business cards and so forth. I picked up a card one time that said something like, “Save Big On Health Insurance…” On the other side it had pricing for individual and family plans. For a family plan it was nearly $500/month. I’m talking about your basic medical insurance plan. With a discount plan (one I know of personally) you can get a family plan for less than $60/month that covers just about everything you could think of. I’m talking about medical, dental, vision, prescription, chiropractic, a 24 hour nurse line, legal assistance, car club, and more. Discount programs are the smart alternative to insurance. Cut out the middle man and you will save big money.

Not only will you save big, but you can also EARN big by helping spread the word. This new industry (consumer driven health care) is predicted to top over $10 trillion in the next few years. There is serious money to be made in a movement of this magnitude and there is no reason to miss the boat. You can save money and make money, all while getting the coverage you and your family need. The best part is, in a sluggish economy, these types of programs expand, and people are becoming millionaires right now by being a part of it.

If I might add, there are a few more great reasons to be a part of a discount plan. They are: No limits on visits, services, or age. You can change providers whenever you want to. Pre-existing conditions are covered. Braces, lipid panels, lab work, etc. all included. Specialists included. No deductable. No claim forms. No waiting periods. Need I say more? If you currently have traditional health insurance, it would be in your best interest to switch to a discount program of some sort. Obviously, there are many different programs available so you could choose the one that best fits you personal situation.

Well, I hope you learned something. I will leave you with that. Have fun saving money and making money. I wish you a healthy and prosperous year.

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