Female Baldness

By: Devin Greenfield

Female Baldness

For some time a hairdresser can hide it: short crimps make your hairstyle look fluffy. But later on it's harder to conceal this sad fact. 

While men lose their hair on the top of the head or along the edges, female baldness takes place evenly on the whole surface of the head. Yet thinning of hair can be more visible on the top and along the edges as well.

Female Baldness - What Causes Baldness

Nobody knows why hair stops growing. Scientists say, women that have a heightened quantity of male hormones and whose hair is very sensitive to hormone fluctuation, most often begin to lose their hair. In course of time their locks grow thinner as follicles get narrower and eventually quit producing hairs. Some causes of baldness in women;

1) Nutrition.
Low-calorie diets, when food value is lower than energy consumption of your organism. Protein deprivation (grapefruit nutrition or eating no beans, lean meat and other protein sources) affects organism adversely, because protein is essential for hair growth.

2) Anemia
Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a main part of red blood cells and binds oxygen.

3) Birth of a child.
Such drugs as contraceptives, anabolic steroids, beta-blockers, blood pressure lowers and medicines on basis of vitamin A.

4) Arthritis, lupus and polycystic ovaries syndrome.

5) A hard stress caused for example by divorce or death of relative.

6) Poor food can also lead to stress.
Some of these factors can provoke temporal hair loss. In a number of cases after a careful examination doctors recommend a healthy diet, stress relief and medication. Sometimes they help to renew your hair growth.

7) Herediry
An important factor of women's hair loss is heredity. It's the main reason for baldness in 85% of cases. If your mother, your grandmother or aunt grew bald, the same can happen to you. 

8) Dont Panic WHen This happens
Don't panic if you notice some hairs on your comb. Usually women lose 50-100 hairs a day. It's not much as there are more than 100,000 hairs on your head. And don't worry if you notice some hairs fell out during bathing, it happens to everyone.

Simple Test for Hair Loss
If you suppose that you have hair loss, do this for a test: take a lock of hair and pull it carefully but strongly enough. If there are more than six hairs left in your hand, then probably you have already start going bald.

Simple tips to prevent and conceal hairloss

  • Have your hair waved. It's the easiest way to hide baldness. When the hair is wavy and fuzz, it seems like it's thick. But don't use small hair-rollers, they tighten the hair too strong.
  • Stroke but don't rub. When you dry your hair after shower, just softly put a towel on it.
  • Comb your hair carefully. Never comb wet hair or make a knot.
  • Use combs with rare teeth. And forget grandmother's advise to comb your hair 100 times a day. Do it just to make a hairstyle.
  • Use only fair hair-dyes. The worst you can do - to die your hair black. The skin would be seen through your thinning hair.
  • And keep your hands off your hair! Get rid of a habit to pull at your hair and wind it over a finger. The more you touch your hairs, the sooner the weak once will fall out.

The bitter truth is that there's not much you can do to stop balding.  You can try some medicines or hair transplantation to slow it down. Wonder working remedies as massage, creams, vitamins in large doses are not of a big use although some has claim to have created miracles. Never give up. 

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