Save on Telephone Bills Following 7 Easy Tips

By: Lara Sawyer

Telephone bills both line and mobile can add up to you budget's expenses and can sometimes be really onerous. Though communications are essential on today's global world, cutting on the costs of communication doesn't necessarily imply cutting on actual communication (though it may be a good idea to avoid unnecessary calls). Following are some tips on how to save money on telephone bills:

1) Review Local Calls: Local calls may not be expensive but are the most common calls you probably make. And for that reason there are probably many unnecessary calls. It is a good idea to analyze your bills at least once a year to see how much you spend on local calls and the feasibility of reducing that amount.

2) Review Long Distance and International calls: These types of calls are usually not as common as local calls but significantly more expensive. Therefore, it is a good idea also to review the number of calls and the costs in order to reduce the spending on each period. But even if you can't do so, you can analyze the frequency, hours and specific destinations and write down all this information that will be useful later on.

3) Compare Different Long Distance and International Calls Plans: There are probably many companies offering long distance and international calls in your area. With the information you collected from the previous reviews, you can compare your communication needs with the different plans offered by the companies in order to find the ones that best adjust to your necessities and provide the cheapest telephone communications solution for you.

4) Unnecessary Items: Some phone companies offer you other services like caller id, line maintenance, automatic answering services, etc. These services may not seem too costly but altogether and pondered yearly will certainly add up to your overall communication costs. They can be easily avoided: replacing cables and plugs within your house is very simple and seldom needed and you can always purchase an answering machine to avoid purchasing the service from the phone company.

5) VoIP Is a Cheap Solution: Consider Voice over IP services that provide you with communications over internet. These services provide low cost communications by establishing local calls and connecting the two parties through the internet even if there is a great distance between them. These services have revolutionized the industry and as more and more people hire VoIP services the prices will keep dropping. The only drawback is that you need a computer and the quality may not be the same (though it keeps improving).

6) Avoid Prepaid cards: These products are expensive and you should only use them if they help you control your spending by providing you with some discipline. Also remember that these cards often have limitations and need to be used within a certain period of time in order to be valid.

7) Regard Cell Phones as Line Phones: As regards to cell phones, take the same precautions you did with your line phone. Compare the different plans and companies available to you to see which one offers the best terms. Each company provides solutions for different groups of people and though a company may be cheaper for someone, it may not be cheaper for you depending on your calling patterns.


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