In the 17 years that I've been in headsets, I couldn't tell you just how many times I've walked into a client's office and have spotted unnecessary equipment. Most people that sell telephones also sell headsets too but just as an extra line. Unfortunately, there are many who either don't know their products or set out to deceive, by selling unsuspecting customers more equipment than they actually need.
If you're about to buy a new phone system or headsets for your office - do yourself a favor by arming yourself with a few facts about phones and headsets.
Firstly, gather the make and model details of the phone equipment you already have or wish to buy and make some specific enquiries about the phone system/s headset compatibility.
1. Does the phone have a headset port, where the headset can be just plugged in?
2. Is there programming available that makes a headset turn on or off by pushing a button on the phone?
3. Are there specific headsets that are made for the intended phone equipment? Sometimes, the best performance can only be had by purchasing headsets that are tuned to a make and model of phone. Mostly, this is not the case though.
4. Is it noisy? Consider the environment where the headset will be used in, and if so, will the headset perform well with or without an amplifier? This is actually one of the most important questions of all. The answer will dictate whether you need to buy just a headset - or amplifier or switcher too. Potentially doubling your outlay!
5. What about the style of headset that you have in mind? Will it give enough listening volume? Some phones support monaural (single ear type) headband-style headsets without amplifiers. The problem is that some users want to wear overear styles and the design of some of these sets is where the speaker of the headset sits outside and away from the users ear - nowhere near as acoustically efficient as the headband style that presses against the ear providing a good seal. There are other overear styles that can be supported without an amplifier too - but they are worn with an earbud and many, many people don't like this "thing" sticking in their ear and complain about it being itchy and uncomfortable.
6. The best way to know is to trial the product before you buy - insist on this if you're not sure about what it is you're about to buy.