Are Phone numbers the Greatest Ever Invention?

By: Musa Aykac

It is now part of our daily lives, I know that for a fact I must dial at least 10 numbers a day on average, this being said people can dial up to 100 times a day and more. Although the mass market in phones are growing on a daily basis with companies such as Nokia, Samsung and Sony releasing a new generation of mobile handsets that have the capability of video calling and internet access, will it lead to the extinction of phone numbers as we know it or are phone codes here to stay.

Looking at the way the phone market is moving forward it begs the question of what can we expect in the next 10 years, with technology already at its peak, we are bound to see enormous breakthroughs over the coming years. Who knows we may be able to even send things through the phones in the future such as food or other pieces of items. We can already send faxes as such, it basically uses the same concept. We may even have holograms of the whole person we are speaking to so it will look like they are actually sitting next to you while you speak.

What I can successfully say is that I don't think phone numbers will come out of use any time soon, simply because it's the greatest invention of all time, there is no way that any of the phone companies technology can progress without the use of phone numbers, it's the core backbone of there production without the telephone numbers we will be unable to perform all of the basic tasks such as sending a text message or performing video calling.

So what does the future hold for telephone numbers? In my opinion I believe that phone numbers are quite hard to remember especially when you have very long versions or a number with a lot of different digits. I think in the future they will be created like you have a domain name on the internet at the moment so instead of typing in 1234567 for example you will be using a sort of name code, lets just say that you want to call John Smith in London, she would obviously have to purchase the new version of the phone codes and you would enter something like LondonJohnSmith onto a phone to call that specific person, easy to remember and fully functional.

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