Pink mobile phones: The appeal of colour.

By: Samuel Herrick

Thecolour pink has its own intrinsic appeal. Many people prefer thiscolour over other hues and opt for gadgets that come in this veryattractive shade. From young women in their teenage years to collegegoing kids wanting to show off their attitude, this colour findsfavour among many people – from both the sexes. However, accordingto popular belief, this colour is a favourite among young women, whocan identify with it. The pint is that pink is a shade which is verymuch in demand in the current context.

Tomake the most of this demand for everything pink, the leading handsetmanufacturers are doing all that it takes to convert this craze forpink into increased sales. They are designing and developing pinkmobile phones to make the most of the increased demand for the same.

TheBlackBerry Pearl 8110 is one such candy bar phone that comes in thisvery shade. One could compare this highly sophisticated gadget to amultimedia computer or a business phone. The inherent capabilities ofthe 8110 make such a comparison possible. With a large colour screen,QWERTY keyboard, and trackball navigation, this pink handset is asgood as it can get. The device is GPS enabled and compatible withquad-band technology. In addition, a music player, a 3 megapixelcamera and Java games make the Pearl from BlackBerry stand out amongcompetition.

Thus,one could say that pinkmobile phones are also very much innovative and useful. Onecan use them for quite a bit more than just flaunting them in frontof friends, colleagues and family members. Some of the mostinnovative handsets are available in this shade, and the users ofthese gadgets can pick and choose the specific model depending on hispersonal tastes and preferences.

Andthe best part is the availability of attractive deals and offers onthese models. Leading service providers in the UK for instance areoffering some very lucrative deals in the use of the pink mobilephones. Free line rentals for specified periods, free minutes as wellas textsBusiness Management Articles, make these offers very much interesting.

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