Cordless phones have quite a long and checkered history.

By: Samuel Herrick

Cordless phones have quite a longand checkered history. These sophisticated gadgets were first introduced in1970. During that time, however, large handset size and short battery lifeproved to be detrimental to their popularity.?However, a lot of innovation has taken place since then and as of now,the cordless phones are small, sleek, stylish as well as highly functional.

?There are several benefits ofusing a good quality cordless phone. One could use a cordless phone for voicemail, call forwarding, caller ID, as well as many other purposes. Speed dialingand digital answering are also possible in some of the more sophisticatedcordless phones. With a long battery life and light profile, many of thecordless phones that are currently available in the market are quite a goodbuy. Call quality is clear and there is absolutely no interference – a factthat contributes significantly to the overall popularity of these handsets.

?The good news pertaining to usingcordless phones is the flexibility offered by these gadgets. They are more akinto mobile phones and users can talk to people while they are say walkingaround, albeit within a pre-specified range. Each cordless phone system comeswith two units; there is the base unit. There is also the intercom facilitythrough which one can speak to the person making the call.

?Small and medium businessesrequire cordless phones to cater to their business needs in a more convenientmanner. With the use of cordless phones, the portability of a phone systemincreases. Correspondingly, there is an increase in efficiency as well asproductivity. As a matter of factComputer Technology Articles, the user-friendly features of cordlessphones are hugely beneficial to small and medium business operations that needall the flexibility that they can get.

?And the best part is the totalintegration of cordless phone systems with existing office phone systems. Thismeans that businesses and establishments can benefit from the advanced featuresof many cordless phones without radically changing their existing phonesystems.

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