Liberty Wireless - Inexpensive Cell Phone

By: Martin Smith

Are you looking for an inexpensive cell phone and, a nocontract, no credit check, hassle free cell phone plan? ThanLiberty Wireless has exactly what you need. The Liberty Wirelesscell phones and cell phone plans are affordable and easy toobtain, and since they use the Sprint Nationwide Network toprovide service, you can be sure you will get good coverage.

Liberty cell phone plans offer more for your money withoutmonthly bills, contracts, credit checks and hidden fees. Becauseof this appeal and the use of the Sprint Network, Liberty couldvery soon become a leader in the pre-paid wireless field. Youwill be very happy with their no nonsense approach which isuncommon among cell phone companies.

With Liberty you can even make money when you choose one of thefollowing cellular phones: Kyocera 2345, Liberty LG 1100, ,Liberty LG 250, Nokia 3588i, and Samsung A460. When you purchaseone of these phones, Liberty offers rebates that more then coverthe cost of the phone, with the extra money, up to $30.00, goingback in your pocket.

Of course even the best cellular phone is a waste if you don'thave the right calling plan for your need. With no contrast, nomonthly fees, unlimited nights and weekends, and free nationwideroaming, Liberty's cell phone plans are ideal. You can get aSamsung A460 phone at a cost of $40.00. With a $50.00 rebate,you wind up with a fee phone and $10.00 profit to boot.

It gets better, for under $40.00 a month you get 200 anytimeminutes and of course unlimited nights and weekends. There ishowever a one time activation fee of $30.00. If 200 minutesdoesn't fill your needs, you can get 600 minutes for under$80.00 a month, and 900 for under $100.00. Both of these plansinclude unlimited nights and weekends and of course freenationwide roaming.

All Liberty cellular service plans (except for the Liberty 80)include unlimited nights and weekends and free nationwideroaming and long distance, access to service anywhere in theSprint nationwide PCS network. They also offer the followingservices free: 3 way calling, voice mail, caller ID, callwaiting, online account management, no cancellation fees, nocontract, no credit check, and no monthly bill. Most libertyphones come with car charger, AC charger, and ear bud and otheraccessories for your cell phone.

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