What You Can See With a Telescope

By: Kozsun Huseyin

In this article about planet telescopes, you will find out about:
* What can you see with a telescope?
* How to buy a telescope?
* Tips to buy your first space telescope

::: What Can You See With A Telescope? :::
Planets - Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and some of the other planets in our solar system can be viewed with detail. Saturn shows us its rings, which made Galileo think that Saturn had ears many years ago! You can also see the moons of Saturn and Jupiter.

Moon - The moon offers many viewing opportunities, being so close to us, the Moon's craters can be viewed in great detail.

Distant Objects - The first space telescope, especially a good telescope can show you great views of Nebula in the Orion constellation, and several galaxies in other parts of the heavens.

Your first space telescope can see much more space objects than the ones stated, however, this will help you realize the huge benefits in owning a first space telescope of your own. Please bear in mind that most department stores, toy store planet telescopes may not show you any detail, even though it may say on the nice packaging.

::: How To Buy A Telescope? :::
A first space telescope is not one to gloss over, a telescope after all is a scientific instrument. The best place to buy your first space telescope is either from a dedicated telescope / astronomy store or online from a dedicated telescope / astronomy retailer.

All too often people to satisfy the desire to view the objects in the sky, go out and buy any telescope they can find. I can't complain as that is how I got my first space telescope. Soon after, I realized that that is not the best way to go. My first space telescope purchased from a department store was shortly relegated and never used again. The poor mount made turning the telescope easy, but was no use with keeping the telescope stable to view objects in space.

Most $150+ planet telescopes can be a great first space telescope, especially if they have been purchased from dedicated telescope sellers. Another benefit with going to a store that specializes in telescopes, is that you can tell them about your hopes and aims of a telescope, which will help them find a telescope for your needs, rather than simply getting what %tf% is available.

::: Tips To Buy Your First Telescope :::
After years of looking up at the stars, I have a few tips for buying a telescope. You will need to know where things are in the sky, so make sure you have a star atlas. Another tip I can offer you is to get the best telescope you can afford, as these good quality planet telescopes will be one which will last for years.

A telescope can truly be an amazing instrument to use. A telescope brings astronomy to life, and turns those points in the sky become meaningful. Imagine viewing distant galaxies, the planets, and nebula all throughout the universe. All this is possible with planet telescopes which are available to you.


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