Medical Prototypes in Medical Industry

By: Low Jeremy

Rapid prototyping technology or RP refers to the automated construction of prototypes. Usually, the process involves, a computer aided design, which is fed into a machine, which is in turn transformed into a physical, 3D model through an automated mechanical process.

Although the term rapid is relative, the reason why the term is used in this process is because prior to this invention, prototypes were produced longer and with more difficulty. Not to mention that in the past, automated prototyping were limited to certain manufacturing industries. Now with rapid prototyping technology in place, a much wider application of the process is utilized, including the medical industry.

Rapid medical prototyping technology is used for things such as prototypes for medical devices and models such as anatomical parts for medical applications. Basically, what rapid prototyping in the medical industry does is that it provides the innovative avenue for doctors and medical designers as well as patients, generate a physical representation of their design so that they can test its usability.

Of course because these rapid prototypes will be used for the medical industry, it is important to contract a prototyping solutions provider that is quick and reliable and who will only use FDA approved materials. You will also want a prototyping solutions provider who you can trust with confidential information.

What has to be the most exciting contribution of rapid prototyping in the medical industry is the fact that RP technology has gone beyond providing sample models so that doctors and patients can test the shape and feel of these products. Now, through rapid medical prototyping, models of human bone, tissue and other anatomical parts are available for use by surgeons to study strategies for complex surgery.

The rapid prototyping technology used for the medical industry is relatively new. This is why there are many new and exciting discoveries for applications of this RP technology. It is definitely revolutionizing the way medicine is practiced. These medical prototypes are helping medical practitioners to be of better service to patients without the long turn over or risks in experimentation.

Having actual prototypes of anatomical parts help not only doctors to better understand and discuss strategies, but it also helps for doctors in explaining complex procedures to their patients with the use of these aids. While 3D computer images used to in the actual prototypes place, there is no doubt that rapid prototyping in the medical industry has given more depth to the practice.

In the recent past, it was considered a medical breakthrough for doctors and surgeons to be able to make use of accurate 3D computer images to simulate complex surgical procedures or physical processes. Now though, with the continuous developments in the field of medical device prototyping, these 3D computer images are now fabricated into actual models to replicate the complexity of the virtual images. This means that now, doctors and surgeons can study and simulate complex surgical procedures without having to risk using a live physical being or be limited by virtual images on a screen.

No matter how life like and realistic these 3D computer images are, nothing beats the experience of being able to work with something concrete. This has made medical device prototyping a truly remarkable procedure that has revolutionized the medical industry.

At the onset, medical prototyping was used to build models of medical products and instruments. However, with more people using the technology and with continuous developments in this area, medical practitioners have begun to realize other possible applications for this technology.

Now, more and more complex medical device prototyping is utilized to fabricate models for cadavers that can be used in training medical students. With the proper materials, these prototypes can be used over and over again, or at least for a prolonged period of time.
Medical device prototyping is not only for educating medical students.

Expert surgeons also benefit from this technology through the use of prototypes to model and simulate complex bone and tissue connections and systems so that they can further study and examine how best to go through a medical procedure. These medical device prototypes are made to simulate actual anatomical reactions to that if for instance, an incision is made on the anatomical prototype, blood like substances can ooze from it to simulate a real incision on real human flesh.

There are many types of prototype service providers that provide medical device prototyping. With more and more competition among these providers, the medical industry can be assured of more competitive prices, practices and services which in the end, benefit society as a whole.


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