If you want to keep yourself safe on the internet, you should look up for these internet adresses.
To surf on the internt is not always safe, site creators around on the internet are not always as safe as they look out to be. Some of these creators are looking for security breaches on your machine and take over the control of it.
Internet security company McAffee has collected iinformation from thousands of domains all over the world and concluded that Asia is the core area for malicious activities on the internet.
Last year it was the small group of islands called Tokelau ?with the domain .tk that had most malicious net pages.
This year it is the domain of Hong Kong that has the doubtful honour of being the most malicious domain in the world.
19,2 percent of all net pages with the domain .hk is involved in some sort of malicious activities according to the security firm McAffee. The internet security company state a warning to either keep away from net pages with .hk, or at least show precaution when visiting web pages with this domain.
The malicious activity ranges from trying to take control over your computer, to pages that is made only to take money directly from your credit card.
As an overall view Hong Kong is the domain with most malicious activities, but there are others as well graded as dangerous domains.. These domains have also dangerous activities involved, but in less extent than the Hong Kong domain.
Domains found to have dangerous activities involved with them are .info (open). Romania (.ro), West Samoa (.ws), .biz (open) and China (.cn).
Read the whole report here!(This is a PDF-file .We are not responsible for the content on other web pages)
In Europe it is Russia (.ru) and Romania (.ro) that dominates the threat. Both domains have a 6 percent chance of being a threat to your computer. Italian domains (.it) have had a dramatic growth in malicious activities with an increas of 100 precent from 5 to 10 percent degree of sites with threats associated with them.
The reason to that Hong Kong increases so dramatically on the list of dangerous domains is new and improved methods for collecting data on various domains.
In the other end of the scale of being a threat, we find domains like Norway (.no), Finland (.fi), Slovenia (.si), and Denmark (.dk). Best of all is Finland.