The IP Phone is a marvelous means of making calls. The VoIP phone becomes indispensable once the person starts using it. This system of telephony when brought to use makes the user create calls for oneself on a designated VoIP route and finally terminating it to the end user. This telephony service may work on an IP call group and establishes the VoIP routes based on IP telephony.
The IP phone is a new means of terminating calls to people at low rates in comparison to the traditional means of connectivity. This IP network has its dimensions defined and so the user can explore these to inevitably connect to people all around the globe. The method is simple and is based on transferring some digital packages to the end users who retrieve the calls by converting them to its original analog form. The VoIP phone can be used to avail connectivity after registering to a particular IP call group. The registration formalities include the entry of one's name, the entry of the Node ID(NId) or IP address of the user and the number of channels that are configured to a group.
Having finished the registration, one has to establish the VoIP routes. The user has to give the local telephone numbers for each port. Normally four ports are explicitly created and one port known as the default port is kept as an option. Calls to any other number not present in the other four ports are sent to this 5th calling group that remains as a default route. This port would then transfer the call to its destination.
The system works on the principle that the service provider is enabled locally first. This includes acceptance of the policies of the service provider. On acceptance, a Node Identification number is provided. It would read as follows:
IP Routing : Enabled
Priority : Very High
Maximum Hops : 10
Node Identification:
NId :
The next step is to create call groups for each remote node. Two call groups are configured. The method remains the same where one has to enter the IP group fields that include the Name, NId and channels for each group. After the completion of the entries, the call group for the end nodes would appear to be in the form as below:
The IP group field for node 5 and node 6 appears as:
Name : ipnode5
NId : 192.168. 99.1
Channels : 4
Name : ipnode6
NId : 192.168. 99.1
Channels : 4
Thus, this dial plan would mean that a number that is called starting with a '5' would be sent to ipnode 5 and number starting with '6' is directed to ipnode 6. The power of IP phone is thus enhanced with tens or hundreds of such nodes whereby it becomes possible to connect to a number of contacts at the same time. Infact the callers can now have a large number of individual call routes so that the maintenance of such routes become a significant issue in itself.
In VoIP phone calls, the call routes can be centralised, regionalised or completely distributed by the VoIP service provider in accordance to the policies and needs of the network administration.