The Popularity Of Cell Phones

By: Dana Bradley

Wireless phones have become an extremely popular item in the United States and abroad. Years ago before cellular phones were popular, many people who encountered emergency situations while out traveling would be unable to communicate with others for help. The poor stranded person would just have to sit there and hope for a police officer to notice them, or either try to walk to a pay phone. If the emergency situation happened while on a busy highway, it could be very dangerous to get out of your car and start walking. Many people have been killed because they didn't realize how close they were to the high speed traffic zooming past. Upon exit from their vehicle, while their vehicle is parked on the side shoulder, they have been hit by oncoming traffic. Of course there was no way that they could have survived, because the impact was just too hard and fast. If someone has car trouble on a freeway, they still have to be very careful, despite the fact that they may have a cell phone. After the tow truck has been called, the person has to carefully exit the vehicle. If exiting through the passenger's side appears to be the safest route, then by all means, use it.

Many larger corporations provide cell phones for all their employees. The reason that they do this is because it's an easier what for them to keep in touch with them, especially while on business trips, or simply out in the field.

A majority of households are choosing to get rid of their landline phones and use on a wireless phone. This way, it saves them money and also provides more convenience. If a person has a cell phone, they will never have to worry about missing an important phone call. The phone is always with them, making it easy to use any time necessary, whether you're in a mall shopping for new clothes, or at the post office shipping off packages.

It is also unnecessary to pay for a land line phone if you are always gone and using your mobile phone. Why waste money when you could you it to pay for extra features or more minutes on your cell? Well, some people make way too many calls on their cells, significantly increasing the bill. For these individuals, maybe keeping both phones would be best.

Cell Phones

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