Managing stress is not easy if you don't have the right people in your business or team. One of the biggest challenges any business owner or manager has is hiring the right people. I've recently discovered a simple, inexpensive yet very effective way which will help you get it right. This week I've asked Nathan Chanesman, Managing Director of Myprofile Pty Ltd. to please explain… "Without quality employees who share your vision and work ethic your business is not going anywhere. So how do you find the "right" employee? We've all experienced hiring the "wrong" person. It's a nightmare. Hiring mistakes costs money, time and worse can easily ruin your business and your health! A recent survey in Forbes Business Magazine revealed, "Hiring the wrong person is the prime cause of business failure in the USA". For most employers it's a lottery, hire someone and hope it works out. People problems take the most toll on us personally producing significant emotional wear and tear. What if you had a tool that could tell you in advance of hiring, if the candidates applying have the right attitude and behavioural style to do that job successfully. Now that would be something! Well read on. It's now possible to predict behaviour quickly and accurately. People can do most jobs if they are qualified and skilled for that position. However some people have a more natural aptitude for a particular type of job. Their behavioural style closely matches the job and as a result, they do better, are less stressed, can't wait to get to work, are enthusiastic and stay with you longer. The ideal employee! These are the people you need to hire. Which Behavioural Style Are You? Four dominant styles define everyones behaviour Whilst we are all different, our behavioural habits and style are more predicable than we think. D - Drivers. These are people who want to get things done. Active and fast paced, more interested in tasks than relationships. Often strong willed and very assertive, they push to have things done their way. P - Promoters. These are people who want to be noticed. Active and fast pace they are relationship oriented rather than tasks. Often very expressive, chatty, friendly and usually dramatic. Do things more intuitively. S - Supporters. These are the people who want to get along. Very social and relationship oriented and not as vocal or enthusiastic as Promoters. Very dependable, work slower, great team players, amiable, want to help, show concern and want take care of everyone. A - Administrators. These are people who want to get it right. Task oriented, not big on relationships, not very social and don't express their feelings. Very analytical, cautious and risk averse. They work at a slower more methodical pace and are less assertive and less expressive. Each style has it's own behavioural patterns. Some styles don't get along, others are more suited to each other. Interestingly the population is evenly spread, in other words 25% are one of four styles and more significantly 75% are of a style different to yours. As an employer it is important that you know your style and that of your employees. Each style thinks differently, reacts differently, communicates differently, works at a different pace, handles emotions differently, manages stress differently and solves problems differently. Not necessarily worse, not better just differently. As an employer your style is most likely going to be different than your employees so you need to know who your staff are and how to communicate with them." The Final Word Managing stress at work can be kept at a healthy level if you understand what behaviourial type you are and those around you. Using a simple tool such as MyProfile for yourself and your people will be of great benefit. Stress is caused by many factors and often it's because the wrong people have been put into jobs that they are totally unsuitable for. Managing stress in any business can be greatly reduced if only the people would do what they were supposed to. Isn't that right? Unfortunately many people who do the hiring do not have the skills or experience to choose the most suitable candidates. By utilising this tool, it could mean the difference between managing stress or accelerating it. It's really important to consider all these factors when hiring people. So why not make your life easier, save time and money and utilise MyProfile. You'll discover in less than 10 minutes the behaviourial style of a candidate or employee. MyProfile tells you if the person is suited to the job, if their working style match that required to do the job. What would normally take months of relationship building and in many instances, a lot of heartache, can be predicted using this tool. For a miniscule investment of $33 can you not afford it? Further details are available on or contact Nathan directly
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