Music Downloads

By: John Gray

Recent statistics from the Official UK Charts Company have shown that digital album sales climbed by 69% between January and March, showing that we are preferring the convenience of downloading music rather than buying an actual CD.? Even though there are many online retailers offering CD's for a lower cost than the high street, there are still many people who simply like the convenience of downloading the album or single direct to their mobile phone or computer.

To take advantage of this shift in consumer thinking UK mobile network T-Mobile have this week announced that they will be allowing customers to download full albums to their mobile phones via the Mobile Jukebox service.? Mobile Jukebox is available to all T-Mobile customers with both 3G and 2.5G mobile phones (although 3G customers will benefit from tracks that download much faster).? The song or album will be downloaded directly to your mobile phone, and you can also re-download the track/s to your computer for free, so that you can then transfer them to your MP3 or a CD player.

Now instead of downloading just the occasional track to your mobile you can download a full album starting from just ?6.00.? So for those of you on T-Mobile with a music player on your mobile phone, and a memory card big enough to hold an album (or a few) this could be a great offer for you.

T-Mobile are saying that albums will be downloaded in an amazing one minute on a 3G mobile phone!!!

The album downloads will be available on over 50 mobile handsets on both PAYG and Contract, and T-Mobile will have over 100,000 to choose from.?


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