Do You Need to Keep Buying the Latest and Greatest Cell Phone

By: sue webster

Just like computers, the cell phone industry comes out with new products at a very fast pace. If you are the type that likes to have the latest technology, you might find it very difficult to keep up. But is it really necessary to keep up with the latest technology in cell phones?

Sometimes they are just so very appealing that you will want the latest new cell phone. The advertisements and the sleek new designs make them almost irresistible. Not to mention all the great new technology that seems to be changing every day. For instance, if you use your cell phone for business then you will find that the new technology can make you so much more productive. Your cell phone can be like a personal assistant that you keep clipped to your belt buckle or in your purse.

This next point may sound just a little bit shallow but follow me here on this. Having a newer cell phone just makes you look as though you are successful in your business venture. Can you imaging working with someone who pulls out one of those giant cell phones from the not too distant past? What exactly would be your thought on this person? You might think that they are incredibly cheap or incredibly outdated. This is probably not someone you would want to do business with.

For personal use it is a bit different. If your cell phone performs all of the functions that you need it to perform then you might not want to change your phone. You have become accustomed to it and you feel comfortable with it. These are very valid reasons for keeping the cell phone you have. However, when you take a look at the cell phones that are available you might look at your trusty sidekick a little bit differently. It's kind of like when you are driving a ten-year-old car that is perfectly fine. You are comfortable with this car, you know exactly all of its quirks and idiosyncrasies, and there is really no reason to get rid of it. But when you see the latest model of your car tooling down the road you might not look at your ten-year-old car the same way. Suddenly it looks old and tired. You want the flash of the new model. The same is true of cell phones.

So if you're in business, by all means get the cell phone that meets the image you need to portray to be successful. And if you only need a cell for personal use, then get the shiny new one if you want. Everyone deserves an upgrade now and then.

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