"I Am Legend" is a fantastic horror movie and is an adapted version of Richard Matheson's science fiction novel. The fictional concept in this novel was also appreciated all over the world.
In the movie the main protagonist Wills Smith lives in fear and loneliness for around three years. The main spiritual theme in this movie is the struggle between 'Light' and 'Dark'. It means the fight between God and devil. Usually 'light' signifies goodness, purity and resolution whereas, the 'dark' signifies evil, misery and disaster. This movie develops a plot where, only two kinds of people are left in the earth: the light dwellers and the dark dwellers. Almost all the people have perished but Will Smith, the main character is the only light dweller left on this earth. Those who have perished have transformed into crazed zombies. These crazed zombies appear only during the night, as during the day time the sunlight kills and destroys them.
The movie 'I Am Legend' begins brilliantly. The main character initially defends God's existence, explaining that people suffer because of their own evil deeds. But later, when he endures some years of solitude and fear of surviving in a civilization that is devoid of civilized people, he resists his own conviction. However towards the conclusion of the film, a beautiful Cuban woman appears to save his life. She reveals that God guided her to discover him. She explains that if we believe and trust in God, the Almighty would surely help us. But to pour out his frustration, Smith screams back to the woman that such a supernatural being is no where. Prior to the end of the film, Smith understands his misconceptions and repents. The film extraordinarily dramatizes the restoration of faith in Will's heart. In order to repent and show his faith in God he sacrifices himself to help the woman escape with her son.
It is obvious that a person in Smith's situation would not believe in God. The fact that his miserable experiences test his faith and eventually congeal his trust helps to make the entire torment worthy. It is also a fact that any horror movie can easily illustrate the dirtiness of sin and evil. Zombies are the pleasant and honest people who are forced to turn into blood thirsty devils due to certain reasons. Literally, every human being has the potential to become a zombie. These zombie movies are basically directed to scare people. But this ' I Am Legend' beautifully illustrates the dirtiness of evil without clambering our pressure high.