0333 Numbers Included in your Call Minutes

By: John Gray

The networks exclude 0845 and 0870 numbers from customer's inclusive minutes on their mobile phone contract. This can be a source of significant bill increases each month for mobile phone users who have to call 0845/0870 numbers on a daily basis.

Local rate alternative numbers can be a good alternative as they come out of your inclusive call minutes. Websites such as saynoto0870.co.uk which find alternative local rate numbers to 0845/0870/0800/0808/0844/0871 phone lines can help keep your mobile phone bill costs down. A down side is having internet access to find your alternative number when you need it. If you haven't got internet access on your mobile phone it makes it near impossible to get the number you need whilst on the move. So how do you call these numbers and not run up a huge mobile phone bill?

At last the answer is here! A new non-geographical number is here to save the day and your pocket. 0333 numbers which were introduced on the 4th February will come out of your inclusive call minutes, therefore not costing you any extra to make your important call! 0333 numbers will be charged the same as a local call if you have used your inclusive minutes allowance for the month.

Hopefully we will see more and more companies using 0333 numbers to help the consumer save their money rather than running up a high bill.


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