Valentines Day a Lovers Tradition- the Lovers Day.

By: Elaina

Valentine's Day is round the corner and throughout the world and lovers celebrate this special day by expressing their feelings to one another. The month of February has been known as the month of romance for a long time when the lovers celebrate it by expressing their love and also exchanging exciting and memorable gifts.

How this Valentine Day came into being is also a mysterious question. A popular story that describes and gives us the explanation of this Valentine Day took place during the third century in Rome. However, there are many legendary stories that describes this Valentines Day.

The ruling emperor during the third century in Rome was Claudius II who felt that single men would make better soldiers. He decided that marriage would be regarded as an outlawed action so that he would have better soldiers. Valentine a young priest at that time defied this law and let the young lovers get marry in secret. But when Claudius discovered this action of Valentine, he ordered that Valentine should be put to death. Legends therefore credit the saint Valentine for actually setting this tradition. The story further claims that he had fallen in love with a young women, who used to visit him while he was in prison. It is considered that the letter he sent to her was signed as "from your Valentine". Though there are no actual doubt about this heroic and romantic appeal this Day enables the lovers to get close and express their feelings.

This special day gives you the opportunity to show your friend or your lover how much you care for them. By giving your sweethearts with precious and memorable gifts you can share this lovely tradition in a delightful manner. Romantic gifts may comprise both the tangible and the intangible gifts. As these day is celebrated by both the married couples and the teenagers, it is a long awaited day for all. The lovers would be able to make this exotic day of their happy meeting by offering exciting gifts like the Samsung U600 Pink and the pink mobile phone. These striking mobile phones would help you express your love to your sweetheart. It would also enable you to communicate with each other everyday andeverytime . There are certain modern gifts that are cheap and best. It is all about the emotional bonding that are further strengthened by exciting and amazing gifts.


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