Europe outsmarts America!!

By: Adam Jaylin

Well the age old debate has been decided in favour of the Old World, as the New World stumbled in a 'smartness' assessment. The criterion is the rather ambiguous phrase, 'smartphone penetration'! According to mobile phone industry chronicler Telephia, European consumers have been faster to adopt 'smart' mobile phones than their American counterparts.

A 3G smartphone can be roughly defined as mobile phone that has features like a mobile operating system such as Symbian, Microsoft OS, RIM or Palm, along with other regular new-age features like, camera, music player and e-mail facilitation. The explanation offered for this phenomenon is the fact that 3G network was available to European consumers much before it reached the shores of America.

If we break down the data, the stats will reveal that the Italians are far ahead than the rest of the field as far as 3g smartphone adoption is concerned. With sleeker and trendier 3G mobile phones succeeding their bulky successors, the sales of these 'niche' handsets have gone up because these are now available at much cheaper rates.

The survey revealed the name of the sets in this category that are selling the most in these regions. Mobile Phone devices like Blackberry Pearl, Sony Ericsson's P990i or Nokia's E61 have wooed the UK and rest of Europe while Moto Q and Palm Treo 680 has captured the imagination of high and mighty in the USA.

With the saturation in mobile market forcing the retailers to offer dirt cheap mobile phone deals, it is expected that the sales will go further up. One more reason for the industry to look jubilant is the fact that more and more young professionals are buying 3g smartphones whose cost is on the higher side. With purchasing power rising of the next generation, these handsets are more likely to woo the high flying executives as they try to make their messed up lives a little easier.

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