What Does your Ringtone Say About You?

By: Eztracks

Are you funny, entertaining, stylish or cool? Better be careful. Someone might be able to figure this out just by listening to your ringtone. There are many different types of ringtones to choose from and each says something different about you. Some ringtones are simply a sound effect, or a monophonic melody made of similar tones. Others are polyphonic melodies made from a combination of instruments. Still others are actual songs in the form of MP3 music. What ringtone fits your personality best? Some Web sites offer insights into this with ringtone personality quizzes. One asks such things as what your favorite style of music is, how fast you drive, how many CD's you have at home, how often you go to live music shows, what your favorite color is and what your favorite pet is. It then assesses your personal style and comes up with recommendations of ringtones especially for you. (I was sophisticated and refined.) Of course, you may be the type who instinctively knows where to turn for your ringtones without such guidance. More power to you!

How did ringtones become such a prominent social force? According to the Web site the history-of.net, ringtones are European in origin with the first of these telephonic signatures sold in Finland in 2001.

At the time, Finnish teenagers were heavily into text messaging and the Finns were trying to further develop their cellular technology. According to the history-of.net Web site, it was Matti Paananen, co-founder and chief technology officer at Helsinki-based Add2Phone, who invented the business of selling custom ring tones. As soon as American companies got wind of it, they too wanted to take advantage of the market. After all, there were 137 million Americans who spent around $70 billion a year on mobile telecommunications services. The American companies conducted market research that revealed that teenage and college girlsall who loved to talk on the phonewere the target customers. According to the history-of Web site, Boost Mobile, a prepaid cellular company majority-owned by Nextel, was the first to unveil a phone targeted at teenage girls who liked to surf the net and chat on their phones for lengthy periods. Their phones came with nearly 500 ring tones, and featured pop-music songs such as "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", "Like a Virgin", "Funky Town", "California Dreamin'", and "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go." Sounds like the old transistor radios we used to hear around the beach.
As phones become fancier and even more technologically advanced, even more people will be able to take advantage of ever-evolving ring tone options. Analyst Dana Thorat at IDC, a technology research firm, estimates that 9.9 million people downloaded a ring tone in 2003, up from 4.8 million in 2002. IDC predicts that number will grow to 54.3 million by the end of 2007. Richard Jesty, an analyst at The Arc Group, a London-based telecommunications consulting firm, says, "Over time, the novelty will wear off, but not yet." He expects that sales will remain strong through 2008, eventually hitting $5.2 billion worldwide.
So what ringtone will you choose to make your very own personal statement? Keep in mind that whatever one you select will say a lot about you.

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