Many people prefer to spend hundreds of bucks in computer repair but rarely if ever, do they try to get into the root of the problem. Take for example, your slow and sluggish computer. You probably know that this problem occurs when the windows registry becomes corrupt, but do you ever spend fifty bucks on a professional registry cleaner? No; you would rather spend double that amount on a computer technician, even though chances are that the computer technician has used a registry cleaner software to fix your computer! In this article I will tell you all about a computer registry and how a registry cleaner works!
OK, so how does your windows registry really get corrupt? Let's say that you use your computer a lot and frequently install and uninstall software programs on your PC. As soon as you install a new program on your system, several new entries are created in the registry; in this way, your computer registry keeps track of all the software programs installed on your computer. In a way, you might say that the windows registry is the central record keeper of your system, and if this record keeper gets damaged in any way, your whole system starts behaving unruly.
When you uninstall or remove a software program from your system, theoretically the entry connected with the software program should be deleted from the registry. However, it doesn't happen that way! When you remove a program from your system, it is unable to remove all the registry entries that it had created! How strange! These 'left-over', invalid entries eventually get deposited in your registry.
Over time, when you remove more and more softwares from your system, the process repeats itself, with the result that your windows registry becomes clogged with several hundred invalid entries! A clogged registry results in slow computer that freezes and crashes frequently! If you want to speed up your computer, you need to clean all the invalid entries from your computer registry. So how would you do it?
There are actually two ways in which you can clean your registry.
1. Removing registry entries by hand: You can remove the invalid entries manually by hand but if you don't know a thing about your registry, you shouldn't do it! If you delete a single valid entry from your registry by mistake, it can have disastrous effect on your computer, with the result that your computer might stop working altogether!
2. Using a windows registry repair software: Another, and much better option, is to use a professional windows registry repair software. Most windows registry repair softwares are affordable and can be purchased for less than 50 dollars! These programs are also very easy to use; they are fully automatic and require no manual configuration on your part. You simply install the software, click a button, and your windows registry will be cleaned. As soon as you clean your windows registry, your computer will become a brand new machine! For best results, you should clean your windows registry at least once every week!