Manufacturing journalist recently profiled, "The value for North American Exporting to Europe Proves Manufacturing Profit Center for 2008" in the current issue of
According to Cutler, "The dollar, having steadily lost value against major currencies over the past few years, has helped exports; the weak dollar will only continue to make local goods more affordable around the world and give exporters an advantage against otherwise competitive European rivals. From technology manufacturing companies to medical devices manufacturers, all are poised to experience significant international sales benefits in 2008 as long as the marketing support tools are positioned and measurable."
Economic experts predict that this recent trade surge (notably in the third and fourth quarters of 2007) are only the very beginning of a long climb that could eradicate a major portion of trade deficits; regardless of rising oil imports, exports are three times larger than residential construction as a share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
With the Dollar/Euro exchange resting at an average of $1.50 and the British Pound above $2.00 for some time now, manufacturers from every U.S. industry sector are shifting their marketing and geographic reach to Europe. The manufacturing marketing research division of TR Cutler, Inc. based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida conducted a national survey of 1088 privately held manufacturers in December 2007 to determine anticipated 2008 manufacturers' marketing expenditures. One of the statistically significant findings of this survey was the dramatic decrease budgeted in U.S. tradeshow attendance by 64% compared to 2007.
The Manufacturing Media Consortium, founded in 1999 originally consisted of several hundred U.S. journalists, editors, freelance writers and economists writing about the industry sector. About to celebrate its ninth year, this group now consists of more than 3100 participants, worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, and profiles in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Just less than half consortium members are based in Europe as media outlets expand the coverage and importance of the global scope of manufacturing.
Ultimately the acceptance of streamlined and efficient marketing outreach campaigns have changed in a global marketplace because the Lean manufacturing principles are well-practiced and accepted. An adjunct element to this practice is lean marketing; the goal of lean marketing is to eliminate waste by simplifying marketing procedures and continuously improving the marketing process. To advance this concept to an executed practice, metrics of global sales, pipeline quantification, and other specific data collection are required. Increasingly these measurements will be accomplished in conjunction with global strategic alliances and partnerships throughout the remainder of the decade.
About TR Cutler, Inc.:
TR Cutler, Inc. ( was founded by Thomas R. Cutler almost a decade ago. Cutler maintains extraordinary relationships with clients, journalists, editors, trendsetters, and key business leaders worldwide and has become a key resource for those writing about the manufacturing sector.
Cutler founded the Manufacturing Media Consortium in the 90's. This extraordinary group of more than 3200 journalists worldwide is writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutler has worked with thousands of media outlets to expand manufacturing media coverage.
Cutler has authored more than 2,000 articles for a wide range of manufacturing periodicals, industrial publications, and business journals including most of the leading monthly trade publications.
Thomas R. Cutler is the most frequently published manufacturing journalist and serves as contributed contributing editor more than three hundred publications annual. The scope of publications ranges from to Quality Digest. A sample of Cutler's feature articles can be located on the TR Cutler, Inc. website.
Cutler established a Manufacturing Marketing Research division dedicated to measuring the pulse of the manufacturing sector, particularly manufacturing firms which are privately held and rarely accounted for when gauging the industry sentiment. TR Cutler, Inc. providing a voice for manufacturers worldwide.