How To Boost Profits From Your Free Ebook

By: Dirk Dupon

People who download a free Ebook or report are looking foruseful content that can help them to improve their business.

They don't care who wrote it, as long as it is in their owninterest. Period.

You may like it or not, but it's a fact that people only careabout THEMSELVES.

If you don't agree with this, you should not even considerdistributing or writing a free Ebook, and skip this article.

Let me explain.

When I have downloaded another one of those "glorifiedcollection of affiliate links" reports, I get the impressionthat the author is out for a quick buck, and I immediatelysearch for the EXIT button...

Result: the file moves to my trash bin, faster than you can say"cash in" :-)

If your free Ebook or report has nothing valuable to offer...

.... then DON'T write it!

If you think that you'll win by sowing a bunch of "click-me-rich" links in your Ebook, you think unprofessional!

However, you can place affiliate links in your Ebook, and makeprofits from them...

.... but you have to be EXTREMELY carefully.

Let me show you how to do it right...

If you use an affiliate link, do this so your readers will notrealize you are trying to sell them something.

You can "recommended" or "review" a product. Tell your readerswhat you liked about the product that you endorse, and what theproduct can do for THEIR business!

When you do this, be sure to select a product that offers value-or assistance- to your target market.

If you do this, you will gain TRUST.

Without trust, your business is doomed to fail!

Here's one example:

Suppose your Ebook or special report contains tips and recipesto make better cakes.

Your Ebook will cater to people who like to cook, so you caninclude a link to a bookstore that sells cooking books, or acompany that sells cooking material.

There's nothing wrong doing this. It will be accepted, andsometimes appreciated.

Just don't EVER try to sell a product that you wouldn't buyyourself, or your reputation will be destroyed forever!

Got this? Okay, now never forget it! :-)

Happy promoting!


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