You are not alone. Tons of people are nervous that their e-bookwill be stolen and put on the black market (hmm, or the cyberblack market, I guess you'd call it). Now, stealing is neverright or fair, but in this case theft means one good thing, atleast they have heard of you! Cyber thieves or not, they knowyour name and think your knowledge is coveted enough to steal(again, I do not condone this, but there is always a brightside, right?) There are a few measures you can take tosafe-guard your work from wholesale theft.
If you use a goodshopping cart system, the download links that your customers getto your e-books are good for only 24 hours. This will helpprevent someone from posting the link on a discussion board,which would allow an unimaginable amount of people to downloadyour work for free.Another idea is to put links to your webpages inside of your e-book. This is done often and is perfectlyacceptable in this form of publishing. You can jam pack yourwork with links that will take readers directly back to you.That way, if your book does fall into someone's hands illegally,they will still end up back on your site anyway.