So many have been on the search for the perfect formula for getting rich, just like the endless search for the secret formula for staying young. The Science Of Getting Rich was written by Wallace D. Wattles, a year before his death. And he has given everyone a chance to get rich as it discusses an unusual method for attaining wealth. Mr. Wattles preached against competitive economic practices and everybody should concern themselves with the improvement of the world.
Mr. William Wattles knew that in order to have a complete and successful life, one has to be rich. And he has recognized and has written in his book that no man can rise to his greatest potential in both talent and soul unless he has the money. The reason for this is one will not be able to develop the soul and talent if one does not have the money for it's development. He has recognized that the money indeed makes the world go round and society operates that way so man must have the money to become the owner of things. Therefore the building block for the advancement for man is the Science Of Getting Rich.
The Science of Getting Rich is a classic inspirational and financial book. It works as a guide to individuals who are interested in uncovering the secrets of getting rich through strategies and case studies. A timeless title such as this one should not be passed up by anybody who is interested in learning how to become wealthy.
It does not matter if you are a physician, a teacher, a janitor or a king. The men and women who will practice step-by-step the instructions made known by Mr. Wattles will get rich. It is certain. The riches that are received are in the exact proportion to their vision, their purpose, their faith and their gratitude.