How Self-Directed IRA Funds Can Benefit Individuals

By: Kelly Hunter

Any Individual Retirement Account (IRA) owner who wants to create a self-directed IRA has to carry out certain measures before they can do so successfully. Before setting up a self-directed IRA an LLC should be formed as a holding company for the particular property the IRA is meant to purchase. The holding company should be incorporated wherever the IRA real estate is located. LLC’s should by requirements also have a tax identification number as well as a separate checking account for record purposes. The owner of the IRA can also be a member and a manager of the LLC at the same time. Members of the LLC may also be the IRA custodian who in turn will act in the interests of the IRA owner. The LLC is also given the responsibilities of being both the purchaser as well as the mortgagor of the real estate property that is purchased with funds from the IRA.

Self-directed IRA’s must also be established with the help of a custodian that satisfies the different requirements set out by the Internal Revenue Service or IRS. The IRA should also have a custodian account that is solely funded by the IRA funds as well. Owners of the IRA should also make sure that they comply with all the requirements that the custodians set out. Owners of the IRA must also report all and any transactions that take place as well as incoming funds. The IRA owner is also obligated to report any income or expenses to the custodian and most times this should be before the transaction takes place. Custodians should also keep a record of the various financial transactions that occur by filing the necessary reports with the Internal Revenue Service.

IRA owners are also obligated to send contracts, titles, closingsFeature Articles, appraisals and other necessary documents to the custodian so that the approval along with the funding directives in order to finance the transaction. IRA funds that are sent from the LLC bank account should cover all and any expenses that are associated with the property. You can visit to find more information on retirement planning.

Using the funds provided by the IRA you can also hire a third-party to act as a property manager and remunerate them accordingly. IRA owners cannot be paid or rewarded for anything that has to do with any duties that are associated with the property. Any necessary and property related expenses must be paid through any account that is associated with the LLC. It is not permitted to combine personal funds or other funds with the IRA funds. Any income that comes from the property should be paid into the LLC checking account and ultimately become part of the funds that are owned by the IRA. The IRA owner can continue to make different contributions to the IRA provided the amount being contributed is permitted by the Internal Revenue Service. Other IRA contribution limits that are stipulated by the law also apply to such contributions and the IRA custodian should take note of these contributions and report them accordingly to the Internal Revenue Service.

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