Will You Succumb To Debt? Take The Debt Test

By: Rob Smith

Financial disaster can creep into daily living with treacherous and cumulative effects. There are leading indicators that can help determine whether or not you will succumb to debt. Take the Debt Test to find your level of contamination.

Answer the following 25 debt-related questions. Total your YES points. Then, find your Debt Range at the bottom to determine the likelihood of succumbing to debt.

- A collection agency has contacted me about unpaid bills (10 points)

- I have one or more leased vehicles (5 points)

- I am making some minimum monthly payments on credit card debt (5 points)

- I charge purchases to credit cards that were previously paid for in cash (5 points)

- I have elected to not carry health insurance (10 points)

- I have elected to not carry vehicle insurance (10 points)

- I have elected to not carry homeowners or renters insurance (10 points)

- I worry or lose sleep over my financial situation (5 points)

- My wages are being garnished or assigned (10 points)

- I skip credit card payments in order to pay for food, shelter or utilities (10 points)

- I am behind in paying for housing, vehicle or utilities (10 points)

- I am occasionally late in paying bills or sometimes incur late fees (5 points)

- Family relationships are strained as a result of money problems (5 points)

- I borrow or transfer money in order to pay bills (5 points)

- 40% or more of take-home pay goes toward paying debt (10 points)

- I do not have at least 3 months living expenses held in savings (10 points)

- I have given thought to filing for bankruptcy (10 points)

- I have thought about starting a debt consolidation plan (5 points)

- I use or have used "cash advance" or "payday loan" services (5 points)

- I use a home equity line of credit to pay credit card debt or other bills (5 points)

- My debts are increasing while my income is the same or decreasing (5 points)

- I am in the process of or near foreclosure or property repossession (10 points)

- A money-spending plan or budget is something we do not use (5 points)

- My credit cards are at or near the spending limits (10 points)

- I don't balance my checkbook each month (5 points)

Total your YES" POINTS to determine your Point Range indicated below.


- 0-15 Congratulations! You appear to be doing a good job of controlling your debt and managing your finances.

Being debt free can eventually lead to personal financial freedom.

- 20-35 You may be headed down the proper financial path but a review by a qualified financial planner might be a good idea.

- 40-65 Your financial condition may be a concern. A financial assessment by a licensed financial planner is recommended.

- 70-95 Your financial condition could be serious. Debt counseling help is something you should seriously consider.

- 100-185 Your financial condition may be critical. Debt counseling help is essential.

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