Discount Car Insurance

By: David Thomson

No you have not read that wrong and no mistake has been made when writing, if you went for a drive on Monday the 27th then you could have been glad you had taken out discount car insurance. This is because it seems that Monday the 27th has overtaken Friday the 13th when it comes to car accidents.

Studies from Budget Insurance have shown that more car accidents occur on Monday the 27th than on Friday the 13th, According to recent research, 5% more claims on insurance were made on the 27th of February and March in 2006 which both fell of course on a Monday. Perhaps even more surprising was the revelation that more accidents occurred in car parks on this particular day than any other and which resulted in insurance claims being made. Another fact involving this date is the fact that accidents have occurred through motorists swerving to avoid hitting an animal. Scientists of course say they think they might know the answer, as Monday is the first day of the week motorists are anxious and distracted when it comes to facing a new week. When it comes to the 27th this is the day that many have bills to pay such as mortgage, loan or credit card bills.

Whether any credit should be given to this is anyone's guess, however statistics do not lie, regardless car insurance is a necessity and finding discount car insurance even more so if you want to have the protection that insurance gives while at the same time making savings.

The best way to insure you get the cheapest insurance and deal is to out your search into the hands of a specialist broker, the broker has the experience to shop around on your behalf and are able to search through the entire UK marketplace so that you get the cheapest car insurance possible.

You can choose the type of car insurance so that you can keep the premiums down to the minimum, if you choose to take out fully comprehensive car insurance then you will be covered for repair to your and the other parties car if in an accident, fire and heft and also insured for nay passengers that you carry. However this is the dearest type of insurance. Third party fire and theft is cheaper and will payout against damage for the other person's car and fire and theft and is a lot cheaper to take out than fully comp.

When it comes to determining what type of car insurance you need for your circumstances the specialist can help here also, they offer a vast amount of information relating to the different types of car insurance and how you can make great savings by knocking down the premiums for the cover. While you can make great savings by taking out discount car insurance with the help of a broker there are many things you can do for yourself and the information found on the brokers site will help you make even more savings.

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