When you are down under a rock of debts, an ad promising free credit card debt consolidation looks like a silver lining in the dark clouds. However, be aware while jumping into the boat. Most of the time, they turn out to be fraudulent companies, out to rob your last penny.
There is nothing called free lunch, so see how much 'free' is your free personal credit card debt consolidation. Most of time, the free part will be a free quote for your credit card debt consolidation. They are also very important, as they will show you the condition of the market. You can compare the offers of the different companies before settling into one.
How You May Be Ripped Off By the Promises of Free Credit Card Debt Consolidation
The way the fraudulent companies operate is very simple. They will give glittering ads, promising you free services credit card debt, and reasons for why you should take them. They will paint doomsday picture of bankruptcy, if you do not take their loan. Then they will ask you not to bother with your bills any more, for they claim that if you pay regularly in their account, they will do all your worrying and paying. The result is that, neither your bills are paid, nor your debt is reduced. On the other hand, they will get even bigger.
So Is There No Real Free Credit Card Debt Consolidation Company?
There are some non profit debt relief, which will help you to get out of your debt. However, they are few and their services are restricted. They will provide counselor, who will show you how to effectively mange your bills and expenditure. They may also negotiate on your behalf to bring down the loan amount or the interest rate.
Then there are Christian credit card debt consolidations, in which, Christian groups help fellow Christians to get out of debts. When a Christian is in debt, he is not only in financial problem, but also in spiritual problem. A free personal credit card debt consolidation from them will not only remove your debt problem to some degree, but will also guide on how to avoid getting into the trap of credit card debt.
When you get free credit card debt consolidation, there are some things that you should keep in mind. Check the interest rate of your new loan and see that it is lower than your previous credit loans. They are generally lower, but in the end cost a bit more because you pay for a longer period. Most of the time, you have to surrender your credit cards when you go for credit card debt consolidation; so learn to live without your credit cards.