Divingand snorkeling in Playa del Carmen, Mexico is an absolute wonderful activityfor the whole family to do together on a family vacation. There are some greatplaces to dive and snorkel in and around Playa.?Safety first though, make sure that every family member wears a lifejacket when snorkeling.? It is anactivity for both beginner and expert swimmers as long as you are provided withlife jackets and snorkel equipment.
Shouldyou want to venture off yourself and not take a tour with a guide OR should youlike to go with a tour guide, either way, there are 3 great places to snorkelaround Playa del Carmen.
Xel-Ha - Abeautiful outdoor water theme park (ecological park) located 33.5 miles southof Playa del Carmen. At Xel-Ha, you will be amazed by the exotic flora andfauna that the park treasures. For your convenience, there are several standsto rent snorkel equipment where you can get full equipment rentals, maskrentals, flippers and wet suits.
Akumal (Yal Ku Lagoon) - Akumal is a small town located 23 milessouth of Playa del Carmen not far from Xel-Ha. You may want to go on a tourprovided by one of the two dive shops in town. It is about $40 USD per person.Or, rent or buy your own equipment and swim out alone. The coral reefs are nottoo far from the shore and can be easily accessed by swimming, especially withthe help of a life preserver. Much of the bay is not more than five feet deep.Be very careful to stay away from the "fire reef" marked with buoysand a distinctive red colored coral. It stings and excessive contact can befatal. Since coral dies on human contact, you should avoid touching coral atall costs. It is also illegal to touch the wildlife, such as the sea turtles.
Marina Maroma - Maroma is the site of the world's second largest barrier reefand just offshore, you will find world-class Playa diving-snorkeling with yourown guides. The marine life there is absolutely delightful, and the colors arevibrant and exciting.? Maroma Beach islocated between Cancun and Playa del Carmen, only 20 minutes by car fron CancunInternational Airport.
Formore information regarding Diving and Snorkeling in Playa del Carmen
, go toMayan Riviera Family Vacations.com