When you are looking around for a new car insurance policy you will find that you may be overwhelmed with choices. You need to remember the different levels of cover may also affect your premium.
Every car has an insurance grouping, this basically means that every car is put into a category of different levels of risk groups, this is something that you need to consider when buying a car
If you need to cut the costs on your car insurance then the best way is to sacrifice the fully comprehensive coverage and any money that you save by doing this could be added to a high interest savings account to save money for later on.
Another sure way of reducing your car insurance costs is to drive safely, having fewer tickets or accidents will reduce your monthly premium and will save you money both now and in the future. Acting responsibly when driving will not only save you money on your car insurance but will also keep both yourself and others safer on the road.
If you have more than one vehicle then always remember to ask your insurance company if you can receive any sort of discount for insuring more than one car with them.
The type of car you drive will effect your car insurance, generally the bigger the car the higher the insurance, to save money you could consider driving a smaller car with a smaller engine, this will reduce your car insurance quote.
Car insurance companies will offer discounts if you have safety equipment attached to the car, anti theft devices and air bags or similar equipment often do not get mentioned when applying for car insurance but could save a considerable amount of money.
If you park your car in a locked garage make sure you advise your insurance company of this as this could get you a safety discount
Ask about age discounts, some companies will offer a considerable discount if you are aged between 40- 50 and remember to only buy the cover you need, you may be tempted to add on additional cover or extras such as road side assistance however if you are someone that does not travel far this may be something you simply do not need.
If you have more than one car make the older or less valuable car the main car for any younger drivers in your household as age can have a big effect on car insurance. If you do have young drivers in your home a great way to reduce their car insurance is to take additional driving courses.
You may also want to consider changing your excess, this is the sum of money you would pay if you needed to make a car insurance claim. If you increase this amount your quote should go down.
Always get more than one quote when you do look around for car insurance, there are many easy and quick online forms that you could fill in to get a quote there and then.