Credit Card Debt consolidation loans are taken at a lower rate of interest, to pay off a number of other credit card debts, all having a comparatively higher rate. This is a viable option for those who find themselves up to their eyeballs in debt, receiving warning calls from both; collection agencies, attorneys, etc. With the assistance of a debt consolidation loan, you can combine the outstanding balances on your credit cards into a single loan or a single credit card. In this type of consolidation, you can transfer the balance of the various credit cards for which you are paying a high interest rate into one single credit card. This means major debt relief. While selecting the credit card to where you plan to shift the balance, it is necessary that you ensure that the interest rates are lower than the current rates you pay. It is advisable not to opt for a consolidation program, if the balance that you need to transfer is insignificant. This can lead to a debt trap. Debt consolidation allows you to pay one creditor instead of various creditors. When you are dealing with multiple creditors, it becomes difficult to track the timely payment of dues to each and every creditor. Debt consolidation programs provide you with a lower rate of interest and low instalments per month; thus, solving this problem to a great extent. Once you take a credit card debt consolidation loan, you will be free from the task of interacting with old creditors. These loans can be availed by applying through the creditor in person, or online. To evaluate the consolidation program, you need to pen down the present rates that you pay and the consolidated rate that you will have to pay if you opt for the scheme. If a thorough evaluation shows the rates to be better, you may safely opt for this consolidation service. While opting for a debt consolidation program, it is advisable to judge your debt in detail and study the various deals that are being offered. In most of the cases, the credit card issuers provide you with zero percent introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) or a low rate of interest for transferring the balance to one card. This low rate duration is temporary and the credit card payer should aim to repay the debts within this specific period, otherwise the rate may gradually increase. |
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