Many people find that they lose money every month due to reckless spending on their credit cards, purchasing items which they do not have the money for at the time and will not have the money for in the future. Using a Debit Card, like The IMPACT Prepaid Visa Debit Card, is one the ways that consumers usually deal with this issue while still retaining the benefits of holding a major credit card. Prepaid credit cards can be used at millions of locations worldwide, in online or offline transactions. The benefits of online transactions are obvious; consumers can purchase the products they want 24 hours a day. Users of Debit Cards can rest assured that when transactions are made, someone else with more computer skills than they have can't access their credit line and spend them into a hole that will take months to recover from. These types of cards are managed by loading the card with money. The card will then allow only that amount of money to be spent. This comes in very useful for people who have a hard time keeping track of their money and people who have kids who spend their money as well as an extra security measure against fraud. There are multiple options when it comes to putting money (or loading) debit cards. Employers may direct deposit the money right to the card account, or holders can use the services of companies like Western Union to transfer money from their accounts to their card balance. Holders may also deposit money through an ATM machine or other card accepting method. It is very important to note that for any of these transactions holders of debit cards can expect to pay a fee, while for many other types of prepaid cards there is no fee that comes with loading the account. Using a Debit Card can allow consumers to avoid the hassles that are associated with credit card purchases such as late payment fees and annual charges. As with most prepaid cards, users of these types of cards will be charged both an initiation fee and monthly charges thereafter in order to use the card. Debit card users will also find that they no longer need to carry around cash or write checks; the card is designed both for debit purchases which are authorized through the usage of a Personal Identification Number and for credit purchases, which are authorized through the user's signature. Consumers can use their prepaid debit card for purchases 24 hours a day, seven days a week via the Internet. Accounts can be handled the same way. The card works well as far as customer service, as toll free operators are always on the line to assist with problems. Because these cards are loadable, consumers will also find that the application process is less invasive than that for a credit card. Unlike with a credit card, there is no credit check and no employment check either. Consumers interested in such cards will in many cases not be charged a security fee of any kind when applying for them. |
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