Know How To Repair Your Own Credit History Using a Credit Card

By: Anthony Samuel

Individuals who find themselves in dire straits in terms of credit due to poor spending habits or neglected payments can find themselves out in the cold when they try to receive new credit. Having a bad credit score can affect an individual's ability to do a lot of things, from purchasing a home or car to renting movies. Individual consumers in this position may find that they feel they are stuck in an endless cycle; they cannot get credit because of poor credit history, but without a means of getting credit they cannot repair that history.

Credit cards for people with bad credit, offer a way to have credit extended to these individuals while also providing a means of credit repair. Bad credit credit cards work extensively with the three credit bureaus of the United States (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) in order to establish the approval rating of individuals. These services keep track of the financial histories of millions of individuals across the nation and are responsible for assessing credit and issuing scores for consumers based on that history. It is to these services that companies send applications in order to determine if the applicant is eligible for a certain type of card.

In the case of credit repair, holders of credit cards for bad credit can expect a report to be sent to all three credit bureaus each month. If a card holder is keeping pace with payments and purchase fees, these statements will reflect positively on their credit history. This will allow the bureau involved to raise the credit rating of the customer, allowing credit history to slowly be repaired. Not only will individuals find their credit score going up, they will also find that as good history is established, the limit on their card is raised.

In order to receive one of these cards, applicants must provide the credit card company with information such as age and buying history (current and former credit cards). Successful applicants must be of legal age, and must also be residents of the United States of America. Depending on the card that you choose you can expect to pay a higher APR than regular credit cards and they also have an annual usage fee.

Most of the major credit card companies that issue credit cards for people with bad credit offer benefits that include access to online services. With these services, it is possible to get vital information on a card at any time, day or night, seven days a week. Individuals can use this service to observe their accounts or to make payments.

In addition, these companies also have toll free numbers available for emergency situations from which customers can also manage their transactions. Holders of bad credit credit cards also have the ability to receive cash advances from thousands of ATM machines all over the world, and the ability to make hotel or rental reservations over the phone with participating merchants.

Credit Cards

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