It is more than likely that you are familiar with the negative aspects of credit cards debt. This type of debt is an example of unsecured consumer debt. Plastic cards are the most common means by which people enter into credit cards debt, and the situation can quickly lead to an overall state of bad credit and a need to take out loans for debt.
While these cards can be very convenient, they have been known to encourage both irresponsible spending habits and a decrease in financial discipline. Many argue that credit cards are more trouble than they are worth.
Yet, millions of people around the world still use them. Many then make their situation worse by choosing to take out loans for debt relief when they owe too much and can't make the payments on credit cards.
Credit cards debt occurs when a client of a credit card company buys something via their card. Because the client often thinks of the credit card as a bottomless pit of money, the client does not allow for wise planning and attention to budget that stems from using only cash to make purchases. Things get even worse for the customer when monthly bills aren't paid on time.
Every time a consumer is late with a credit payment, the credit company reaps huge rewards. Fees ranging from fifteen to thirty dollars are applied to payments that are late even by one day.
In addition, interest rates rise, penalties apply, and the creditor makes millions. The consumer, meanwhile, accrues more debt and falls further behind. Credit companies thrive while the consumer is buried under a mountain of credit card debt. Sometimes the only effective way is to get a credit card consolidation loan.
Almost as damaging to credit card customers is the effect these failures to pay have on credit ratings. Credit agencies are immediately notified when a cardholder has defaulted or missed a payment.
The result is that the consumer's record is marked. Bad credit is an awful thing to have, as people's credit scores suffer and make it very difficult to be approved for a loan to buy a house or car.
Finally, if a customer continues to default, other creditors may increase their interest rates for that customer, even if the individual has paid all of the debts to that particular company.
This is known as universal default and only makes the situation worse for someone who is struggling to get out of debt. Bad credit is contagious.
Although the evils of credit cards debt are well known, this type of debt is increasing in nearly all industrialized countries. More depressingly, the average U.S. college graduate starts post-college life with more than $2,000 in credit cards debt.
This slippery slope leads to loans for debt relief, which tend to make matters worse. The best way to avoid the pitfalls of the little plastic card is to budget appropriately and to focus on one's expenses.