Credit Repair - Your Credit Score And The Loan Business

By: Paul Johnson

If you apply for a car loan, credit card, or even a mortgage, the bank will pull a credit report from one or all of the credit reporting agencies. It will usually come from one of the big three agencies, however there are other potential sources too.

This report that is pulled shows all of your credit information, as well as an overall score. This score is called a FICO score. It is the credit reporting agency's grading of all of your credit history, past employment, basically everything to do with you and how you handle money. There is so much data being stored and updated regularly by these agencies that your score can fluctuate sometimes day to day. You could literally qualify one day, but not qualify the next. Plus, one lender could pull from an agency that scores you differently.

It can be frustrating because it is basically an industry secret on how exactly you are scored. These files kept on you have generally become unreliable and often full of errors. New laws have recently been enacted and future ones are being discussed. It seems obvious that when a number can have an affect on whether or not you get a home or a needed automobile that the number should be as close to correct as possible. The credit reporting agencies haven't been the best about being correct, hence the legislation. Things are getting better. Many believe thee credit reporting companies are like government agencies, but they're not. They're businesses in it for profit.

If you keep really good credit, the future changes in credit reporting will really help you save money with you lending needs. You'll complete less frustrating and confusing paperwork and get better interest rates by keeping you credit clean. You may need to consider credit repair if you have major credit problems. A little credit repair can help even those with reasonable or even good credit. This is especially true where your credit report reflects inaccurate information.

There are practical things you can do to clean up your credit if you find it to be or know it to need a little attention. Let's talk about some of the obvious things. Make any payments you have now on time, every month. Making payments late after thirty days can really hurt you, and it is an easy fix. You can usually even call the lender and ask them to move your payment date to better fall on times when you get paid or so that one paycheck isn't hit more heavily with payments than another. Also, don't get credit if you don't need it. Make sure you have a good purpose and reason for getting any kind of new credit. Otherwise, you can look like a liability when you really need the credit for something important. You can also try to keep your credit card balances to less than half of their limits.

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