Car seats and boosters have become compulsory items to have in the car for a child due to recent regulations. This article outlines the difference between the types of seats and why they are so important. A car seat booster is something that it used in conjunction with your normal seat belt. The first type has no back, but just a base. Its main purpose is to raise the child so that the seat belt goes correctly across the shoulder, without the seat booster raising the height, the belt can cut across the neck. The car seat will also allow the waist strap of the belt to fit correctly around the hip. If the booster is not used then the belt can slide up to the stomach which could cause internal injuries if an accident occurred. It’s important to point out that this type of car seat booster must be used in conjunction with a seat belt that goes across the neck as well as the waist. Otherwise, the child’s head may fly forward and hit the back of the sat in front. If this type of seat is used, then your rear seats should have a head rest as well which should cup the head at ear level. This will help reduce sideways movement of the head which could be dangerous. If you car doesn’t have head rests then the second type of booster can be used. This car seat booster comes complete with a high back rest and a head rest as well. This type if car seat can also be used with cars that already have a head rest. If your don’t use a car seat booster then the child’s position could be putting them at risk. If the belt is too high across the stomach, the child could in fact slip underneath it if an accident occurred. Sometimes, the child will place their arm over the shoulder strap to prevent it hurting their neck. This again will put them at risk which can be prevented with a seat booster. It is not recommended that the child sits in the front seat as their head may hit the dash board. They should also not sit in the front if the car is fitted with an air bag. For babies and toddlers, you will need to use a special seat before the baby is big enough to use a booster. At first the baby will need to use a seat which allows them to face backwards until the neck muscles are strong enough and they are of sufficient weight. Each car seat will come with guidelines which you must read. Concerning what age and weight your child should be to use a car seat booster will depend on the country or state you are in. In Washington for example, a seat of this type should be used up to 6 years old or 60 pounds in weight. Make sure you check the regulations for your state or country on which type of seats should be used and when. |
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