For the normal multitudes of masses, juggling a nice credit score with a healthy financial need requires a somewhat superhuman effort. For those who had, well, you deserve a major pat in the back. For most of us, we painstakingly take into account every credit detail, often working long periods in comparing notes and bills on where to fit the last credit account that seems out of place. Really, maintaining even the average us credit score are tough work, a work that most of us fail. Like me.
That is why I dislike the propaganda of maintaining good us credit score. The only problem is that most business institution now consider these credit scores in a sacred manner. Education and skill has fallen to the second tier, and the credit score has become the determining factor for landing a job, a concept that can get you stoned in the past. That why however unkind these policies are people like me endured to keep this ratings to appropriate levels. Because credit scores do hurt in times where you need them the most.
Getting average us credit score are fine. That means aim for a 600 or more. This rating is the average credit score for most credit systems, though going for more wont hurt. I have never seen such system so fickle too. A slight misstep can lower scores drastically, and most of them dont even involve monthly payments made on time. Here are the pitfalls you should avoid.
If youre thinking of closing some accounts, my say is wait. Think it over if its worth it. This move can damage, and your average credit score will dip to bad rating faster than you can blink. Your credit rating is also determined on how long you have handled credit so those old accounts do show on the stats. So keep those old accounts, it even gives you a considerable credit limit too if you think about it.
The 35% credit limit maintenance is where consumers most likely fail. Because a 35% credit limit would amount next to nothing is your credit line is not that great. Besides, with households that have struggling finance, credit often provides the most viable solution.
It surprising that banking institution are more forgiving in terms of late payments than the absence of a credit account. Thriftiness doesnt make good business with the bankers so they fall into the credit risk category. So those credit holders that wont use their credit line can jeopardize their average credit scores.
In the end, maintaining average us credit score would be far more beneficial than taking pains in making it into a good credit, when good credit requires you to spend frivolously. Drop those credit cards you dont need and consolidate your debt further than 35%. Live your life free from this cruel culture of credit scores and ratings.