In today's world the most essential medium of communication is phone systems. Telephones are widely used all over the world for both domestic and office use. In case of business, office phone systems are extremely important equipment to keep you in touch with your staff and bring a business closer to its customers and client's rich all the time.
Good office phone systems enhance communications and ultimately results in good productivity. Office phone systems are designed to initiate facilities like hold on, voice mail, call transfer and conference calls as well as manage messages. Depending upon your office need it is therefore essential that you choose the best phone systems.
Office Phone Systems are designed to provide its user to share the same external telephone lines rather than using individual telephones located at single location. These types of phone systems save lots of money and prove cost effective in comparison to general phone systems.
There are 3 major types of office phone systems available in market - KSU-Less phones, Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems and Key systems. The selection of phone system depends on the amount of extensions and features needed to have installed.
KSU-Less phone systems are designed for offices having requiring less than ten ten extensions whereas Key phone systems are more for 5 to 40 extensions. This type of phone system is controlled by a central control unit called the Key System Unit (KSU) to provide features and functions.
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) phone systems most ideal for medium and large sized organizations, designed for offices requiring more than forty extensions and come with almost all the advance features that might want as standard like voice mail, live call transferring, reminders, auto generated messages, screen call and screen display options. By using PBX phone systems it's become easy to reach someone within the office by dialing only a three or four digit extension code. It has also had the capability to increase the number of ports available for additional extensions by adding new expansion cards.
While planning for a new office phone system, one should take into account the future expansion and needs of your company. A good office phone system should be able to handle expansion easily and in a cost effective manner.