Improve gas mileage with Super Gas Saver

By: Dr.ronaldernest
It may be hyped up and it may sound unbelievable BUT it's all true - run-car-on-water systems are the BEST super gas saver you could lay your hands on!

"Improve my gas mileage" - if your one of the guys seeking to do so, and save hundreds of dollars in the process (while keeping your car safe) then you can't go wrong with run-car-on-water systems.

HOWEVER when something ground-breaking like this hits us, TONS of question aboundand one of the MOST prominent ones is this - "How does a water-for-fuel system function?"

And I can see where you're coming from as one of the guys asking that inquiry.

Of course, before you dive inyou want to have a concrete idea of how this money-saving and mileage-increasing technology works.

That's exactly what you'll get RIGHT HERE - the ins and outs of how this super gas saver works. This will ultimately give you a more vivid image of how it will soon save you from the fangs of ever-increasing fuel costs and enhance your vehicle's mileage at the same time!

Improve My Gas Mileage NOW Fact 1 - A Step You Can't Afford To Skip

Your car, when it was released from the manufacturing site, is designed to be powered ONLY by ordinary gasoline.

So how can you start running it on water?

Two words - convert it! Now it doesn't mean your car's parts and working systems would be replaced. HOWEVER, your car will be optimized to run and be powered both by ordinary gasoline and water.

This gives you added security. In the VERY rare event (almost impossible to happen) that your water-for-fuel gadget breaks down, you can easily switch on to your usual gasoline and still get to your destination.

Improve My Gas Mileage NOW Fact 2 - The Reliable 'Ingredient'

You DEFINITELY want this gizmo to last for as long as it can. And building it with topnotch and durable materials is the step to the right direction.

In light of that, I give using CPCVC pipes a thumbs up. The same pipes have been proven to be strong enough to take heavy punishment against different elements, which is why it's a favorite when constructing buildings, furniture, etc.

They will serve as electrodes that will be used for separating hydrogen and oxygen atoms. On the next section, you'll see how IMPORTANT it is to extract hydrogen and oxygen from water.

Improve My Gas Mileage NOW Fact 3 - The Key Process

If there's one process you need to understand to get your car running on water that would be water electrolysis. It will get your car jam-packed with HHO (known as Brown's Gas) which is 300% as powerful as the more costly gasoline you see in the stations.

By taking advantage of the power from your car's battery, the water component's (H2O) are separated, and the hydrogen atoms are brought to your vehicle's combustion compartment.

That hydrogen will be used for generating combustion which is responsible for getting your car on the road and doing great.
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