Is your auto insurance due for renewal soon? If you so, you want to get at least three quotes for the renewal premium, and online auto insurance quotes will give the best results. Online, you will be able to get more than three quotes easily, if you go about it the right way. Why is it not such a good idea to try an insurance broker these days? Quite frankly, the only way the broker can get the same range of quotes that you can is by going online. In fact, to get them to do what you want, you would need to tell them that you want to be able to choose from the best quotes, but they will give you quotes only from firms they deal with. This is how brokers operate: by finding insurers who give their customers value and pay them well. Obviously, they will not deal with an insurer that pays them no commission or a very small commission. Some auto insurance companies deal direct with the customer, so if you ask a broker, you will not get quotes from them. And they are often the cheapest, and can be the best. This is why I do not recommend using a broker except in certain cases, but favor online auto insurance quotes. Get online auto insurance quotes - I do I have been getting online auto insurance quotes for years, and it pays off. In some cases, you may get only five or six companies that quote, because this is they way the web site is set up. However, there are some places where you can get quotes from just about every insurer that provides the sort of insurance cover you need. They will take into account your age, the type and age of car, where you live, how many people will drive it, and so on. Mind you, if you have had three or four claims in the past few years, and have some speeding tickets on your license you might need to go to a broker. Even so, I would try getting online auto insurance quotes first because you can reach some small specialists whom you may never have heard of. They may be able to cover you at a reasonable cost. These days, the internet is huge, and the search engine results are not always what you might expect. If you just search online for auto insurance quotes you will find many pages that do not give you what you are looking for. You will find some quite odd sites if you use Google for quotes, which will waste a lot of time. For this reason, I think the best answer is to find a website that will give you quotes from all the leading firms, and some specialists, in one simple operation. You just put in your details, and you will get plenty of quotes in one go. |
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