Many words in the English language are used incorrectly. Every writer can benefit from a refresher that outlines some of these most commonly misused words. If you are not always sure of when to use some of these words, you're in good company. Many intelligent and well-educated people continue to use these words incorrectly. But before you publish your next document or click the 'submit' button on that email, double check for any violations of these 20 abused, misused, and mistreated words. accept: to receive; to answer positively anxious: worried/nervous affect: to pretend; to influence assure: to make certain (such as with a person) beside: at the side of between: two items that are related choice: a decision or an option compliment: to praise farther: literal or physical distance fewer: comparative with plural items imply: to suggest its: possessive form of it lay: to place, which is always followed by an object nauseated: not feeling well set vs. sit: that vs. which-"Which" is frequently used to introduce a nonrestrictive clause, a phrase that isn't necessary or supplies additional information and is usually set off by commas. that vs. who/whom their: possessive form of they whose: possessive form of which, who your: possessive form of you; belonging to you While spell check quickly catches misspellings, misused words can easily slip past spell check and into your documents. One way to identify words used out of context is by turning on your word processor's grammar check feature. However, though grammar check will identify a majority of misuses, it shouldn't be your final proofreading expert. Some misuses, particularly those that involve uses of 'that vs. who/whom,' can pass through grammar check but still need repair. For important and published works, consider sending your documents to a professional proofreading service. Even professional writers use proofreaders. After staring at your document for hours on end, it's easy to skim over sentences with missing words, typos, and words used out of context. Professional proofreading services are affordable, fast, and ensure that readers always associate you and your company with top-notch quality work. |
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