Extend the Life of Your Digital Cameras Memory Card Today!

By: Teresa Pocock

Turn off your digital camera when inserting or removing your memory card.

Never remove a memory card whilst your camera is writing (saving the image) to it! Most digital cameras use a light that indicates recording to the memory card.

Ditto - Never remove a memory card when your camera is formatting the card!

Place the memory card into your digital camera on a straight angle. Don't force it into your camera - ever! If it won't go in there will be a reason. Forcing it will damage the card or your camera or both!

Keep your memory cards clean. Never insert a dirty or dusty card into your camera.

To clean a memory card you should use a soft clean dry cloth. Hold the card by the edges and wipe over carefully. Never use a cleaning agent or water to clean the card!

Always handle your memory card by the very edges. Don't touch the contact points on the card.

Store your memory cards in the protective cover you bought them in. Never leave cards loose in your camera bag or sitting on a desktop with no cover. Dust and damage are rife in both situations.

Memory cards are not flexible! Don't bend or twist them! And try not to drop them, especially onto a hard surface.

The cards are durable to a point but they can be damaged.

Don't load your memory card into your digital camera in an dusty environment! Dust can enter your camera easily and cause havoc!~*~ Memory cards are not waterproof! Don't get them wet! Keep them away from rain, snow and water splashes.

Condensation can be a killer! For your memory card that is! A cold memory card will form condensation on it if you expose it to a warm humid room. Don't get your cards wet - keep them away from condensation.

Just as memory cards don't like getting wet, they also resent heat! Keep your cards out of direct sunlight, especially on a hot summer day. And don't leave them in a car on a hot day or put them on top of a heater (radiator).

Magnetic fields are bad news for memory cards. They can corrupt or even erase images on the card. Keep you memory cards away from TV's, strong speakers and magnets - even if it is in the camera.

Only use your memory card in your digital camera - don't use it with multiple devices such as MP3's etc.

Re-formatting your memory card will keep it healthy. If it starts to act weird or appears to malfunction, try to re-format the card as often this can fix the problem - don't throw it away too soon!

Always re-format your memory card with your camera, not your computer.

Ditto - Always delete your images from the memory card with the camera - not your computer!

Your memory card does not need to be full for you to remove it from your camera! Unlike film, taking photos with a digital camera allows you to remove the card after 100 photos, 10 photos or even just one photo, and it won't cost a thing!

When loading your photos onto your computer it is best to use a card reader rather than your digital camera. It is faster and safer than connecting your digital camera directly to your computer.

As an investment into your digital photography, a memory card should be looked after and it will have an extended useful life. Better care equals longer life.

Using these simple tips you can care for your memory card and increase its useable life, (some cards have record/delete cycles of up to 10Feature Articles,000 times and more)!Look after your memory cards and they will continue on as a valuable asset to your digital photography!Happy Snapping


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