Do you have someone that you look up to?
Is this someone that you would like to emulate? Someone that you feel has achieved the type of success that you would one day like to achieve? What if that person wanted to take you by the hand and show you the ropes, the steps that he/she took to get where they are? Well, if they did, you'd be mentored.
Mentoring is the key to big-time success.
The way that shortcuts are learned about, potential mistakes are avoided, and many contacts are made.
How does one find a mentor?
The answer is ...typically through research. You've identified a new career, business, or idea that you would like to break into, but are clueless about how to make it happen. Through research you can identify others who have journeyed on the same or nearly same path, contact them and determine how best to approach them. Many of our famous scientists and theorists studied under each other before they came into their own. If one takes the time to find their most suitable mentor, the situation could be a learning experience for all involved. But it could just happen too. Often people find that when they need someone to answer questions, bounce ideas off of, or need some guidance, that person just shows up. Talk about fate and the laws of attraction.
How will this help in the long run?
Mentoring is the fastest way to come up to speed to learn all of the tools and tricks of whatever trade you are considering.
Mentoring will dramatically reduce your learning curve.
You will be able to glean many years worth of experience in a matter of just a few hours. A mentor will help you learn to think like him or her, trust yourself, and empowers you to find answers on your own. In fact the benefit of being mentored is truly invaluable. But just don't think that the person being mentored is the only beneficiary. Just because they are the novice to the field does not mean that they have nothing to offer. They can offer fresh ideas, a more updated can-do attitude, and are not jaded to possibilities. There is a great deal of potential for a huge win-win.
How long will this take?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was exceptionally quick? Well in reality it is. Imagine if a mentor has twenty or more years of experience. If it took you ten years to learn what he/she knows you'd achieve success in half the time, or one-quarter of the time if it took you five years to learn from your mentor. Mentorships typically take two to three years. Imagine being able to learn something that it took a person a lifetime of trail and error to learn in just over 1,000 days.
Why would someone want to mentor?
I think that you can see that the more poignant question is ... why wouldn't someone want a mentor?
Entrepreneurs do not have the corner on the mentor market. Take actors and athletes. What about when an established actor takes a new actor under his or her wing to help them begin their ascent up the ladder, or when a veteran athlete mentors a rookie. So when you decide on your goal, get out your journal and start making a list of those mentors who could help propel you towards success. If they are out of your circle, don't let that stop you. Seek out information that may have been written by or about them that could further your goal. If you can contact them via mail, e-mail, or telephone, don't be shy ... nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Who knows they may be so flattered that they may agree to mentor you, or may be able to at least start you on your way. No matter what, assemble your list, get those vibrations out into the universe, and who knows what, or who may show up unexpectedly.