How To Make Photoshop 7 Tutorials And Earn From It

By: Mario Churchill

If you've a clear expertise in using Photoshop 7, don't allow it to remain a hobby if you have the means of turning it into a profitable venture. By generously sharing your skills at Photoshop 7, you'll not only be able to earn money but make lots of people happy as well.

Steps for Making Profitable Photoshop 7 Tutorials

Step 1 Know What Readers Want
Ultimately, readers - whatever level they are at in Photoshop 7 - want something clearly and systematically explained. People who are looking for and using Photoshop 7 Tutorials, even if they have an extensive technical vocabulary at their disposal, will always prefer to read something that they can grasp immediately.

Step 2 Focus on One Topic
A Photoshop 7 tutorial will be more effective if you focus on one topic alone. Focusing on just one topic will allow you to provide as much information as necessary regarding it. Having multiple topics for one Photoshop 7 tutorial will also require you to condense explanations and descriptions. If you do this, you risk reducing the quality and clarity of your instructions.

Step 3 Make an Outline
It's always best to prepare an outline for any tutorial you wish to make because it allows you to see the sequence of your article. Evaluate then whether the outline you've prepared is logically ordered and coherent.

Step 4 Making Your Photoshop 7 Tutorial SEO-Friendly
Now that you have an effective outline to rely on, it's time to write and create your Photoshop 7 Tutorial. As you write instructions step by step for your readers, make sure however that you use the appropriate keywords as often as possible. Beware of committing grammatical errors, however, because these are never pleasant to the reader's eye. Keep everything brief and simple. Short paragraphs are always better than elaborate ones. Bulleted text are always appreciated.

Step 5 Use Images as Much as Possible
If you are not a gifted writer, you'll definitely need to use images because your readers can simply refer to the images provided if there's something that they don't understand. And even if you have exemplary writing skills, having images wouldn't hurt either since you should also take into consideration readers who love to skim and rely more on images rather than text for instruction.

Screenshots are effective when you're teaching them to navigate around Photoshop. Before and after images are also useful to show the effect of a particular Photoshop function. Highlight what needs highlighting.

Step 6 Uploading the Photoshop 7 Tutorial
There are a lot of free web hosting providers to choose from, so make sure that you end up with one that will provide you with all of the following: a URL that has easy name recall as well as sufficient disk space and bandwidth.

Step 7 Designing Your Website
There are just two simple rules when designing the website for your Photoshop 7 tutorial: a visitor must find it easy to navigate around it, and secondly, it must be SEO-friendly as well. Use HTML as much as possible.

Step 8 Build Traffic
Do what you can then to build traffic to your website. Register for a Google Ad account. Advertise yourself. Blog about your Photoshop 7 tutorials and make sure that you emphasize its benefits and differences compared to other tutorials for Photoshop 7.

Step 9 Start Earning with a Video-Based Photoshop 7 Tutorial
Although you can have a constant and reliable source of income from advertising in your website, you can earn bigger money by creating a more detailed and video-based Photoshop 7 Tutorial. If they like your free tutorial, they'll surely be tempted to buy your tutorial video!

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