The usage of computer educational software in classrooms can assist students learn quickly, all while having fun in the process. Naturally, educational software, no matter how great or user-friendly they may be, cannot replace a living and breathing teacher. It can, however, help increase key ideas and provide fun thing to do during playtime.
It it's effortless to utilize educational software, it is effortless to find copies of them online. If you'd do a search on Google or Yahoo, you'll see multiple sites that you can buy the software from. Over the years, software companies have been developing a wide range of educational software - from the very basic to the more complicated ones. Before you go out on a shopping spree, there are some things you need to keep in mind.
- Keep it related. If you're teaching read and writing, you don't want to be buying science software teaching students the different critters you can find in the animal kingdom. So bear in mind the subject you're instructing. Take note also of the features of the software? Do they help press key concepts in the student's mind?
- Include "fun" and entertainment" in the equation.
You should only buy software that is fun to use. Stay away from software that uses boring graphics and boring voice-overs.
- Keep in mind the levels. Different students are at different levels of intelligence. When you're analyzing a software, be sure that there are varied levels that your students can be at. Having different (beginner, intermediate and advanced) levels built into the software will simply challenge students ante up their skills and increase their knowledge.
If you're buying reading and writing educational software, make sure that it has different levels. At the beginner's level, the reading level should be close to what your students have been reading at the start of classes. At the higher levels, the software should feature more items to reinforce the student's current level of learning, and at the same time challenge their current skills and knowledge.
Using educational software should be effortless. Most programs simply ask for one answer from the student. If he or she answered correctly, a sound will go off or a picture will be shown to reward the student for the correct answer. The best type of educational software enhances the student's logical thinking, and assists them learn how to think.
- Keep it fun yet non-distracting. Visual elements (graphics, videos and interactive features) can easily get a student's attention. That's because today's students are oriented more towards visuals. However, if your software features graphics that are too flashy
, it can distract your students. A sufficient education software is a good mix of education and fun.
- Just buy DVD if you just want to show videos. Heed this advice if you dislike to go through the whole drill of directing students through the levels of an educational software. Don't forget though that videos and software can never replace a live and breathing teacher.