Be Your Own Secret Agent With Home-Made Spy Cameras

By: Nahshon Roberts

In the world of surveillance and spies, what comes to mind are secret agents armed with spy cameras, be it spy glasses, camera pens, or spy cufflinks. But you do not have to buy spy gadgets to have your own spy camera. You can use ordinary objects and miniature cameras to monitor conversations and activities in your home. Read on to find out how.

Buy A Very Small Video Camera

Home-made spy cameras are essentially miniature cameras concealed in everyday things. Get the best miniature camera that you can afford. A camera that has the same diameter of a tiny coin would do just fine.

An Object For Concealment

Spy cameras are most effective when they are hidden in ordinary objects like cans, picture frames, and stuffed toys. Bear in mind that these objects should be beyond anyone's reach so that the cameras will not be revealed. If you want to see what your daughter is up to in her room, carefully place a miniature camera in her favorite doll. If the camera is really small, you can rig it to your eyeglasses, your cap, or even on your breast pocket. This is very useful in observing people as they react to certain social situations.

With or Without Wires?

Will your spy cameras be wireless or not? Thinking about it in terms of functionality and use will certainly make the decision process easier. If you do not plan to change their possessions, buy ordinary wires-and-cables cameras. An advantage is that videos will really be clear and sharp. But if you want to change things up, or maybe put the camera on you, go wireless. But you may need a very strong transmitter and receiver to get crisp videos. Wireless cameras act funny if transmissions are weak.

Got Juice?

Should your spy cameras run on batteries or not? Again, the answer lies on how they are used. AC or DC powered miniature cameras are perfect indoors. This way, you will not have to worry about power running out, except on occasional power outages. Miniature cameras that run on batteries are perfect for the outdoors because extension cords will really expose them to everyone. Battery-powered cameras are safer and more resistant to different types of weather.

Do A Test Run

When your cameras are set up, do a test run. Ask a friend to move around the house while you watch him on the monitors. Make sure that there is a clear reception every time. Check if the cameras are positioned correctly. If cameras are mounted on you, determine the range of your camera's signal by moving to certain distances. The sound should not be choppy if you want to capture audio.

You should be very careful with your miniature cameras. If it is just for fun, you will have to tell your loved ones that you were jokingly spying on them. Never use these cameras illegally. It is a very serious matter when you violate the privacies and sensibilities of others.


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