There are many tools you can use to improve your website if sales aren't going as well as you would like. For a very small monthly fee, you can use a web hosting service. They provide you will tools to compile data. You will need data to see what is going on with your website, and then analyze the data to make it better. You will want to compile data telling you the number of visitors to your website on a daily basis. Then you will want information telling you where in the order process they are leaving your website. If most leave at the same point, that indicates something needs to change like the price or the checkout process.
Once you have compiled and analyzed the data, you can start making changes. Most web hosting services also provide you with the necessary tools to improve your website. This can include colors, graphics, and even the set up of the website. Most have great online tutorials for your convenience. If you don't have a lot of experience in the area of web design, you can use the customer service representatives from the web hosting service to walk you through the process.
The checkout process is one of the most challenging areas for good web design. Consumers become very frustrated if this doesn't move quickly. Some individuals are not comfortable giving out the bank account number or their credit card number even with security being in place on the website. You can offer other options including Paypal and C.O.D. The more options you give them, the higher amount of sales you will generate.
There are also many powerful tools that you can add to your website, to make it more user-friendly. On good example of this is Google's Custom Search Engine tool, which allows you to create a custom search engine targeted to any niche or category you choose. This can help you offer your visitors a unique tool that they will return to your site to use.